World Class

IT Services

Make The Right Decision For Your Business

How Can We Help You?

We serve a wide range of industries, where we help our clients in setting new bench mark of excellence in their respective industries. We have worked with clients across the borders all around the globe from various industries such as Health Care, Construction, E-commerce, Retail Industries, and others. We are constantly expanding the services we provide, so our clients can get one-stop solutions for all their IT needs.


CRO Solutions

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.

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UI/UX Design

When users interact with a website or an app there is a chance to provide them with an experience that is worth their while and keeps them engaged.

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Web Development

For a business that strives for growth a website is extremely important. A beautifully crafted website with great functionality is an asset and an effective tool for marketing.

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Website Performance

Our team has expertise in website performance optimization. We have the expertise to help you maximize the speed, usability and performance of your website. With our services, you can ensure that

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Website Maintenance

We understand that website maintenance is an important part of keeping your website up-to-date and running smoothly. It’s important to keep your website updated and running efficiently to ensure visitors

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Full Stack Developement

Full stack development is a highly sophisticated process that requires the precise knowledge of client needs and market trends. With the years of experience in working with full-stack development projects

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QA & Testing

Expert test engineers are an integral part our team to ensure the deliverables meet the quality standards. Our clients can also leverage the QA talent pool to provide standalone software testing

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Hire Developers

India is the best place to find talented and skilled IT professionals. Agencies and businesses around the world prefer to outsource their IT requirements with the

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Offshore Development Center

BLive’s Offshore Development Center is carefully designed to help organizations with the development of large scale IT projects and provide maintenance and support for ongoing projects.

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Wordpress/Woocommerce Plugin Development

Do you have any specific requirements or need a completely new tool for your WordPress/Woocommerce website? Leave all the worries to us for any kind of WordPress theme & plugin Development and their advancement.

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